Community stand at the GulFood Classic with new sales partner

Gulfood took place from 13 - 17 February in Dubai. BRUNNER was there with two of our representatives on the stand of our new sales partner Aramtec. Aramtec supply chocolate coatings and other basic patisserie ingredients to hotels and chocolate manufacturers in the Gulf region.  Now Aramtec are expanding their product range to include our chocolate moulds. We have found a competent and highly motivated sales partner in Marketing Manager Wissam Ataya, who previously worked as a pastry chef.  We gave his six-strong sales team the required training during the trade fair.

Aramtec have a large warehouse in Dubai with their own fleet of delivery vehicles, and they also have a branch in Abu Dhabi.

The sales strategy will not only focus on the entire range in our catalogue, but also on moulds for chocolate items that have been specifically requested by customers. As well as our existing customers in the hotel sector, we will also be targeting professional chocolate manufacturers.

The Gulfood trade fair was extremely well attended. Visitors from the Gulf region and from Asia, the Arab region and Africa literally flooded the halls. The demand for exhibition space was so great that even the public areas outside of the exhibition halls were filled with additional stands.

There was huge interest in our chocolate moulds, and consultations are already underway for the first projects.  Together with Aramtec, we will be setting up a warehouse which will carry a selection of items from our catalogue so that customers from the Gulf region can be supplied quickly and cost-effectively via their existing distribution network.

Due to the huge level of interest that our products have generated, BRUNNER will be taking part in Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai from 8 - 10 November 2022, with a stand of our own.


BRUNNER at the community stand of Aramtec, our new sales partner


Chef Walid, Pastry & Bakery Demonstration Chef


Chocolate mould Burj Khalifa


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Hans Brunner GmbH

We are market leader in the field of industrial moulds for chocolate. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop individual and high-precision chocolate moulds of the highest quality.

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Hans Brunner GmbH
Hans-Brunner-Str. 1
85625 Glonn



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