ProSweets Trade fair

Brunner at ProSweets Cologne 2024: confectionery experts meet up beneath the famous cathedral

ProSweets Cologne is always the perfect start to the year for us. Suppliers to the confectionery industry from all around the world come together to present their ideas and innovations for the coming twelve months of sweetness. We're just as curious as the visitors to see what it will bring!

This year, Brunner will be bringing new developments and well-established classics to this meeting of experts in the cathedral city of Cologne. Our "Mini Spin" table-top spinning machine for hollow figurines combines traditional craftsmanship with industrial efficiency. It offers chocolate-makers a cost-effective way of optimising their processes and their deployment of staff.

We’ll also be bringing nature to ProSweets. Our new range of tablet moulds, "Naturals", gives chocolate bars a unique optical and textural element, and visitors to our stand will be able to experience the results at first hand. Brunner is also breaking new ground in egg design: immerse yourself in the world of Eggolution and discover unique chocolate moulds that will make your Easter celebration something special. From timelessly elegant to playfully modern - be inspired by the new designs and create unforgettable moments of joy!

And it goes without saying that we’ll also have some examples of our custom-made industrial moulds on our stand.


Would you like to meet us in person, find out about our ideas, or talk about a potential partnership? You can find us at ProSweets Cologne, from 28 to 31 January 2024, Hall 10.1, Stand C030. If you'd like us to send you tickets for free entry to ProSweets, please contact us at

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Hans Brunner GmbH

We are market leader in the field of industrial moulds for chocolate. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop individual and high-precision chocolate moulds of the highest quality.

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Hans Brunner GmbH
Hans-Brunner-Str. 1
85625 Glonn



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