Tablet design - Inspired by nature

Nature offers us an almost infinite diversity of fascinating surface structures and designs, which we can try to imitate but will never be able to improve upon. By taking inspiration from nature, our designers have developed a stunning new range of chocolate moulds. This range comprises a wide variety of chocolate bar moulds which impress the beauty of nature into the surfaces of the chocolate bars. We're looking forward to showing you these unique chocolate creations and would like to invite you to the IBA in Munich, where we will be presenting them for the first time. Come on a journey through nature!

These tablets you will find in our onlineshop:

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Gulfood took place from 13 - 17 February in Dubai. BRUNNER was there with two of our representatives on the stand of our new sales partner Aramtec. Here you can read what benefits ...

January of this year sees BRUNNER start a long-term research project with external partners. The aim of this project is to establish a recycling procedure that receives EU ...

2022 marks a milestone in the partnership between BRUNNER and our subsidiary company Brunner do Brasil. Here you can read what benefits this brings, especially for customers in ...

In one of our recent newsletters we presented BRUNNER’s new universal frame. As well as this universal frame, there is also now another possibility for manufacturing very small ...

Zotter counts among the world’s best chocolate manufacturers, and is one of the most innovative and sustainable businesses in the industry. What experiences has Josef Zotter, ...

Everyone who develops their own chocolate products knows the problem: you receive one or more individual prototypes, in order to carry out casting tests and test the design. But as ...

The topic of sustainability has been extremely important for us here at BRUNNER for many years now. Here you can read about what we have already successfully implemented in recent ...

To develop new articles, we're now cooperating closely with our subsidiary in Brazil. For evidence of the successful collaboration between our designers in Brazil and Germany, you ...

Our sustainability mindset has been very important to Brunner for many years. For this reason the residual materials left over from production have for many decades been separated ...

Hans Brunner GmbH

We are market leader in the field of industrial moulds for chocolate. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop individual and high-precision chocolate moulds of the highest quality.

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Hans Brunner GmbH
Hans-Brunner-Str. 1
85625 Glonn



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